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  • Writer's pictureTracy

Basket Weave Tutorial

Updated: May 12, 2021

Oh My Goodness! Have you ever looked at a weaved basket in amazement? When I found this tutorial that could turn a photo into looking like it was weaved... I knew I had to try it. Let me just say, I love this tutorial. It is so easy and the steps are explained very well. It was amazing. The first time I finished my numbers were off somewhere but the photo was still spectacular. Trial #2 was dead on! I had a picture of a friend that I really wanted to do something with and it turned out almost as beautiful as she is; however, I don't have permission to publish it so I'll share one that I can. Before I forget here is Blue Lightning TV Photoshop and their Basket Weave Tutorial.

(Picture to the left is the before, picture above is with the basketweave technique from the tutorial.)

After accomplishing the technique, I thought I'd play around a little and using the same steps, I made a tighter basketweave. The one above is a 3:1 ratio and the one below is 2:1. I think; at least of this particular picture, the 3:1 ratio looks best. What are your thoughts?

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