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  • Writer's pictureTracy

What or Who is your Alter Ego?

Updated: May 12, 2021


has an alter ego that deep down is special to them. It tells a lot about the person such as their demeanor, what they like / dislike and what makes them tick.

Are you a FlyLady? Someone who has to keep the house in order? Do you need to try to keep the house better than it was yesterday with a dream in mind that one day before you die, it will run like a tight ship?

Is your alter ego someone who is secretly good at sports but you don't like the limelight? So you avoid playing because you don't want to deal with the pressure.

Maybe there's even that nerd inside of you but that's not cool so you keep him/her trapped inside. There might even be a friend or two that knows but they have taken that solemn pledge to the death to keep your secret.

There used to be a website about your Inner Brat, the one that creeps out and stomps his or her feet because things "Aren't Fair". It was a cute site and I wish I could find it again. Because even though a brat is never cute for long, sometimes we just have to live with them and help them understand the what and the why.

Do you slave in the kitchen to make sure your family has a great meal when in real life you know it wasn't that hard because after all... you are Super Chef? We can't let that get out too much or you'll be making food for the neighbors because they will just happen to need a cup of sugar right as dinner hits the table.

For me? My alter ego is none other than...Mrs. Claus. She's loving, caring, and sweet. I love learning about people. Just spending time watching, learning and listening! Then when the right time strikes or it's Christmas, pulling out that special gift just for them. I also like all the secrets of Christmas. If I had to guess, I would bring it back to when I was in a foster home sleeping on the couch around Christmas. I secretly woke up and watched as my foster mom and dad were fumbling around getting everything perfect for when "Santa came".

She really is my alter ego because if you ask my children, they will tell you I am a Mean and Crazy Mom. I've even tagged MOM as an acronym so that when someone says "Just a Mom", I'm like "Yep! I AM A MOM!" Mother On a Mission. This means I take being a Mom very serious. It's my mission.

So what or who is your alter ego?

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